The Education Local Expertise Centre Uganda (ELECU) is a national NGO focusing on basic Education with Head offices in Kampala. Current areas of operation include: Orucinga, Nakivale, Rwamwanja, Kyangwaali, Bidibidi, and Rhino settlements.
ELECU invites suitably interested and eligible enterprises to submit their sealed bids for prequalification process for supply of goods, services and works for FY 2024, 2025 in the categories below.
Lot No. Item
Lot 1 Soft baby cloth plain material
Lot 2 Leak Proof material (Baby Kaveera)
Lot 3 Full body Towels
Lot 4 Threads
Lot 5 Needles
Lot 6 Buttons
Lot 7 Transportation services
Lot 8 Stationery and printing services
Lot 9 Catering services
Lot 10 Accommodation and Hotel services
Lot 11 Reusable Sanitary pads
Lot 12 Videography and documentation services
Please visit our website on for details.
Sealed bids can be dropped at ELECU offices not later than 14th May 2024 at 4:00pm. Include samples for Baby material and reusable sanitary pads.
Plot 3271, Kansanga off Ggaba Road, P.O. Box 5200, Kampala – Uganda, Tel: 0414501541, 0773307809
Attention, the Chief Executive Officer, Tender to supply and quote the lot number. Interested and eligible bidders are free to submit for more than one lots.
Only successful bidders will be notified in a period of not more than 4 weeks from the dead line. No separate communication shall be sent to unsuccessful bidders.
Disclaimer: The bidder is fully liable for any costs incurred during the process for bidding.